Thursday, May 5, 2011

For Tara...

So I promised my best bud Tara that I would post some pictures.  In this case, just one picture of me since I loathe just about any photos right now because I feel, well, frumpy.  I included a few from this Easter as well since that is when the photo was taken.

As I head into my fifth month, a small bump has finally started to appear and a certain sense of reality has begun to set in since I now have tangible proof that a baby is growing in my belly.  Feelings have moved on the spectrum from "feel like huge cow" to "feel like happy, pregnant cow and maybe if I stick out my belly a bit more, people will realize that I am pregnant and not just brazenly beefy."  This may be the first time in my life that I actually feel more comfortable letting it all hang out.

Easter 2011

Steve's made quite a meal for Easter.  In fact, he even made the makeshift grill that this food was cooked on the day before Easter.

Oma Doris & Grandpa Greg helped shuck some corn to place on the BBQ.

Sorry we did not take more Easter pics...we got excited about the food and forgot the camera after we ate.

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